Saturday, March 14, 2009

Owie. Owie.

There's a new pregnancy ailment in town, people! Say hello to...


It started 2 nights ago. I woke up out of sound sleep and was pretty certain that my left leg was being eaten by a giant, rabid monster. It was honest-to-goodness the worst cramp I've ever, ever had. Maybe my body was confused and sent my calf into labor instead of my abdomen? IDK.

Because of said crampage, my left leg felt like someone took an eggbeater to it all day yesterday. Not only was it sore, it would still cramp up every now and again. Boo.

I rocked some Icy Hot last night hoping to ease the soreness, but to no avail. I just ended up smelling like a locker room. Sexy, no?

In related news, my right leg decided to join the party last night and cramp up every few hours.

So today, not only am I extraordinarily sleepy from doing laps around the house in an effort to soothe my leggy-poos, I'm in a squidge of pain...yep, still cramping. Anyone have any magical remedies?


*cait* said...

remedy: joe the masseuse.

Baby Momma Andrea said...

Bananas. Have one at some point after dinner, potassium should help. Good luck!!

The Brewer Babies! said...

That happened to me all the time when I was prego. Must be a circulation thing when your pregnant. Maybe the swelling has to do with it. Who knows. It goes away though!!! The minute you get a cramp, stand up out of bed and it will go away. It just needs some blood flow :)

Jamie said...

I'm sitting right next to my sister - the nurse and brand new mommy and she recommends this: Drinks lots and lots of water, and take tylenol in case you have sciatica :) Hope you are feeling better!

Megan said...

hey girl! I tagged you :)

Abby said...

I second the banana suggestion. I used to get charlie horses all the time in college, and a banana a day really did help.

sacred spring said...

hey lady..
i've heard the banana thing as well.. but i get these leg cramps all the time (as a nonpreggo.. usually after wearing heels all night) and this sounds so simple, but for IMMEDIATE relief, instead of grabbing your leg and just laying there, stand up immediately. just stand up. thats it. i swear it works for me. weird.