Tuesday, March 31, 2009


In ONE day we will officially be in the month of WIP's birth! YIPPIE SKIPPIE! I mean, I suppose there is the slight chance that I could go into early May, but I would most likely violently off myself before allowing that to happen. Plus, the doc said @ yesterday's checkup that he anticipated I would only be prego a "few more weeks." Not super reassuring, but it's something, right?

The checkup went well. WIP's heartbeat is still nice and strong and he's just the right size. I asked him about some pains I was having on Sunday night and he more or less confirmed they were Braxton Hicks contractions. EEEEEEE. I think they were just itty bitty practice ones, because I only felt the cramping for like 10 second intervals about 3 or 4 times. I'll get a bit more graphic with you when I feel something stronger.

He also told me that my GBS test came back positive. Great. Now, before you go gettin' all "eewwww, she's diseased!" on me, I think I should educate you. GBS is NOT an STD. I repeat: it is NOT gross nor does it mean I am gross. It's a normal bacteria that is found in 40% of healthy women - most of whom (read: me) don't even show symptoms of being a carrier. In very rare birth situations, it can be harmful to the baby (less than 1%) ...so they treat the mother with Penicillin during labor.

Weeeeeeeelllll, guess who's allergic to Penicillin? Yep. Lucky for me, there are 2 other drugs that are effective yet still safe for WIP, so I'm in the clear. Joe's feeling a little overwhelmed that he has to remember to be the third line of defense in letting the hospital staff know that I am GBS positive AND allergic to Penicillin. It's in my charts, but still...maybe I will be like the people who write on their limbs when they are getting surgeries? Like the "DO NOT AMPUTATE THIS FOOT" example? I will write "GBS POSITIVE AND ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN" on my belly. :)

Time go to eat some more Thin Mints. Peace out.


Anonymous said...

I say write on that belly, you just never know. In my recent foot surgery, I wrote "oops not this one", on my good foot and "I have many more miles to walk, please be careful, God Bless" on my foot that needed the screws, lol. The surgeon said everyone in the OR got a kick out of it and it worked! You can never be too careful!

Megan said...

ha, I really don't think you're joking when you say you'll write that on your belly :) that'd be pretty funny.

sacred spring said...

dude, yeah be sure he tells them.. my aunt died from penicillin and it was on her chart that she was allergic. i am allergic too!! yikes!

Katherine said...

I am allergic too and REALLY hoping I am not GBS positive! I tried to find natural ways to prevent it or kill it (if positive) but all the ideas I have found are INSANE. No, I am not doing THAT with a garlic clove... really people?