Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hump Day, Bump Day!

Yippie skippie! We are at week 34!

Joe left early for work this morning, so I had to operate solo on the HDBD pics. The self-timer on the camera was being weird, but I did manage to get these beauties:

I wasn't pleased with them, so I opted for the silly mirror pic. Not bad.

"Congratulations, Kristi! You're 34 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 19.8 inches from head to toe and weighs about 5 pounds. Baby has probably settled into the head-down position and is moving less frequently. Organs are now almost fully mature, except for the lungs, and the skin is pink instead of red. Fingernails reach the ends of fingers, but toenails are not yet fully grown. As your uterus prepares for labor, you may be feeling more Braxton Hicks contractions."

The updates are getting rather boring, and I secretly love it because it means that little WIP is finished with all the really hard growing stuff and is just incubating until it's time to make his grand appearance in the real world. For some reason, a lot of people are guessing he'll come early on 4/11. Maybe we'll start a friendly little betting pool to see who can guess closest.

In related news, we finally finished the nursery. The quote and graphics are up on the wall and they look so, so, so cute! Pics tomorrow or Friday, promise.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Those self-portraits you took are very impressive ... you are beautiful! :)