Friday, December 4, 2009

BDBC - Day 4.

First things first, I changed my posting setting in Blogger to the "new" version...loving it! You should know that I have a great aversion to change when it comes to all things PC (don't even get me started on the FB updates over the years), but I always tend to warm to the changes...eventually. Let's face it, serious computer nerds that are far smarter than yours truly update these things and I have to trust that they are making improvements to enhance and simplify my blogging experience. So, to the nerds of the world, thank you. I simply adore that my photos now upload at the insertion point, rather than at the top of all my blogs. Moving them is hard work! But that said - where oh where is spellcheck in this new version?!? Yes, I have an honors degree in journalism and also write for a living but this is just nonsense. A girl needs her schpell chek!

Back to le subject at hand - BDBC. I'm not gonna lie, Day 4 did not begin well. I hoisted my Princess and the Pea self out of bed to be at work for a 7 a.m. meeting only to dash into my boss' office a hot, sweaty mess at 6:55 to find it DARK and UNOCCUPIED. Angry and confused, I went back to my desk to find a loverly email timestamped at 6:29 to reschedule the meeting. Um, I was driving at 6:29.

Not. Cool.

I'm 93% over it (the coffee helped) and I'm just getting to my BDBC card and spreesprise, which were placed under my keys this morning. In my hurricane-powered frenzy to get out the door and to the meeting that never happened, I tossed it in my purse to open later.

Later is now.

And once again, my husband is just the best. I wish I could share what the cards all say, but that's something I choose to keep personal (I know, crazy...I will tell you crazy graphic stories of a baby failing to exit out my vajayjay but the simple, loving words of a card are too personal to share. Deal.). Today's little surprise was an ornament for our tree - adorable!

I think blogging has successfully simmered my morning rage. Let Friday officially begin!


Jamie said...

Tell me how to find these new Blogger updates you speak of. I've never understood why the pictures didn't insert at the insertion site, so that would be a brilliant and welcomed change! Happy BDBC Day 4!!

Kiki said...

Ohh!! I'd kiss you if you'd tell me where to find the new blogger updates!

Kelli said...

Yes, a post on blogger updates is needed :) I strongly dislike the current picture-putter-inner.

Also, maybe for BDBC you could give your readers a gift and post a zillion new pictures of Arix???? Hmmmmmmmm??????????? Aunt Kelli is experiencing serious withdrawal. Think of it as twisted re-gifting or like a BDBC free giveaway :) I love you!