Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sherman Williams.

Sherman. Pffft. It still makes me laugh.

Anyway, the Universal Khaki (ended up going a shade darker than my original choice) is finished AND I LOVE IT. I first saw it in the garage and nearly wept tears of hatred because it wasn't what I had in mind. But they didn't prime the garage with dark primer like they did the inside (not sure why, but whatever) so the inside is awesome. Seriously I love it. It's the perfect mix of warm and cool and I want to bathe in it.

Tonight all the Mindful Grey should be done, and tomorrow the flooring and dishwasher go in. Thursday the plumber and electrician will finish...and from there, I really don't know what's next. Just finishing touches, grading the yard and pouring the driveway/sidewalk. FOURTEEN DAYS.

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