Thursday, July 5, 2012

While hubby's away...

Kristi & Alex will play!

This week, Joey is on a man-cation with our dear friend Mark at his glorious cabin on the French River in Canada. You might recall that we usually go together over the 4th, but this year I'm saving my vacation for the move (read: decorating/organizing) and it actually is a really good time for Mark and Joe to reconnect their friendship. You know, bro time and all that.

So, while he's off fishing and grilling and scratching and burping, me 'n my 3 year old partner in crime are rasing a little hell of our own.


Trips to Target!
(Please note he is wearing Joe's cell phone
holder as his "wallet" so he could buy a toy.)

I honestly just love hanging out with Alex. It's no longer this relationship of me taking care of him every second of every's more of a friendship and hanging out together to do fun and silly things. Don't get me wrong, I'm his Momma first, friend second...but still, it's fun to have my dude as a sidekick. It also helps that Target is one of his favoritest places in all the land. He comes by it naturally.

Anyway, if you need us for the next 5 days please consider looking at Chuck E. Cheeses, the Warren Community Center or Target. Peace out.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Target is Lilliana's favortie place too! We had her at the urgent care once and she just kept screaming that she wanted to go to target. She is definitely my child!! we are lucky girls.