Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Alex had a Valentine's Day party with his Daycare peeps on Friday morning, so we were sure to dress him appropriately for the occasion. (Thanks for the bib, Grammi & Poppi!)

I tend to believe he's giving some sort of babies-only catcher's signal here.

The bed head? Adorable.

Love the face on this one. Drama King, much?
"Maaahh-um. I'm in the WIPpo chair. Where's my pal?"
Tomorrow, honey. Tomorrow. Don't rush me.

I had so much fun putting together little Valentine's packages for his friends. I felt so Mom-official. I'm sure when he's in 3rd grade and I'm measuring out baking soda for his seventeenth larger-than-life-really-explodes-volcano science project (while simultaneously scraping the goo off the kitchen ceiling) I will be eating my words like conversation hearts, but for now I'm loving it.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Dear Alex: You are the cutest Valentine I've ever seen. I Whaley love you too :) THANK YOU for our card. Uncle David and I think it is so so funny and so so cute. PS- I thought you looked a biiiit like Aunt Kelli in your pictures, but way cuter, of course :) xoxo