Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where Does The Time Go?

A lot can happen in nine months. Joe and I dated for nine months before we were engaged. We were engaged for nine months before we were married.  Nine seems to be a good number for us.

This also happened to us over a nine month period. Well, it happened to me, but in the interest of "family togetherness" I'll say "us."


And take a look at what's transpired over the last nine months:

My little man has sprouted like a bean before our very eyes! Mr. WIPpo went from seeming like a giant, stuffed hippo to being Alex's best pal. I know it's horribly cliche and that every mom says it...but really - where does the time go?


Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

He is so the belly pic!

Lauren said...

It's so crazy to see the progression of mommy!