Monday, November 18, 2013

Harper and the Hippo.

I thought long and hard about what I wanted Harper's monthly pictures to be posed with, but I always came back to our friend, Mr. WIPpo. He was named  "WIPpo" because Alex's nickname in the womb was "WIP" for Work In Progress. I couldn't think of anything creative to do with bV (Harper's nickname), so we're going to stick with Mr. WIPpo and rename him Hippo so I can appease myself that, at a minimum, I used alliteration. Yay, me.

Anyway, here's my girl at one month old!

I KNOW, RIGHT? Gah. I can't get enough of her! She, however, definitely had enough of our photo shoot about two minutes in...

Also, mothers of girls: please stay tuned for a post later this month begging for help regarding hair bows. They confuse me and I don't know how they work.

And, if you're curious, here's Alex @ 1 month old.

1 comment:

Sue Skop said...

Hair bows and head bands, for sure get in touch with Tif. She is close and does a fantastic job, as you know. Lily, on the other hand, is over them.