Sunday, May 18, 2014

Harper and the hippo.

Oh hello there, sweet girl! You are seven months old today and still sweet as ever.

You are starting to *almost* sit up on your own, but still manage to topple over into a fit of giggles after about 30 seconds. You're a piggly wiggly and love to eat cereal and all sorts of fruits and veggies...although you'd chew on a spatula all day if we'd let you! Which leads me to believe there are some teeth on the way. Nothing yet, but soon!

The sun rises and sets on your Daddy and your biggest fan is still your big brother. I figure someday I'll come in handy...maybe when you need a homecoming dress or help picking out the perfect brand of mascara. Until then, little lady...until then.

You LOVE your jump-a-roo and you do NOT like your swing. Which is funny, because your brother was the exact opposite. You are a mover and shaker, for sure. You're also quite talkative with all the goo goo and gaa gaa chatter from sunup to sundown.

You're still sleeping like a champ, but I'm sad to report we don't swaddle you anymore. Sometimes I still wrap you up at night when I stare at you and rock you to sleep...but I'm only creepy when your eyes are closed, I promise. You won't remember any of my Mom-stalking. Everything else is fair game for your future therapy sessions, though.

I'm SO excited for the summer, Miss Harper, because you are going to get two very special new friends in your life. Aunt Kelli is having a baby boy in August and Aunt Jill is having a baby (something) in June! Alex thinks Aunt Jill and Uncle Kyle's baby is a girl, and if it is you two will have such a special bond...she'll be like the sister you're never going to have. :) Babies, babies, everywhere!

P.S. - Here's Alex at 7 months. He had a tooth by now!

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