Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The littlest fan.

Yesterday, Harper got to attend her very first MLB Postseason game, thanks to her Poppi who is a very cool old man and got us all the tickets. (Thank you, Poppi!)

Although it was a tragic Tigers loss to the Oakland A's, it was a great day! Everyone was hopeful that all the up-and-down the steps of the stadium would push me into labor, but no luck. I'm still here today, pregnant and annoyed about it.

The whole fam-damily, minus the Connecticut piece of us.

Harper and I managed to squeeze into this delightful non-maternity hoodie.
Also? Hi, Paws!


And I don't have photos to prove it because it all happened so fast, but Harper also got on the Jumbotron during the game! She's totally famous.

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