Thursday, September 13, 2012

My treasure box.

The 5 year anniversary "traditional" gift is wood (snicker, snicker). And in addition to the gifts Joey got me (more on that later), he had some special help with a gift from Alex.

He asked Aunt Jane if they could do a wood craft that day, and boy, did she deliver. This was my first legit "Mom cry" over a handmade present.

The world's greatest treasure chest.

The back of the lid and bottom of box.

Oh, I know! Isn't is just the BEST? I keep all my most precious treasures in it, and it will probably go down in the books as one of the best things he's ever made me. I love how there's a bigger jewel in the center of the lid to help remove it...and I can just picture how careful he was with his little tongue stuck out, gluing all the rest of the sticks and gems in place.

And look at how good he's getting at writing his name! *sniffle*

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